Saturday, January 16, 2010

Degree of Educational Supervisor's awareness of the effect of Globalization on the Teaching – Learning process in the Directorates of Education in the

Degree of Educational Supervisor's awareness of the effect of Globalization on the Teaching – Learning process in the Directorates of Education in the Mid and Northern Districts of the West Bank PDF

Asad Hasan Habayib

Dr. Ghassan Hilo - أ.د الدكتور عبد الناصر عبدالرحيم القدومي
Discussion Commity

189 صفحة
Abstract :


1. This study aimed at identifying the degree of the educational supervisor's awareness of the effect of globalization on the teaching – learning process in the directorates of education in the mid and northern districts of the West Bank. Another purpose was to clarify the effect of independent variables (gender , experience , field of specialization, qualification , place of residence and the training which is related to globalization) on the supervisor's images and recognition.

The population of this study consisted of (432) female and male supervisors , according to the statistics of the Directorate General of supervision and Educational qualifying , A sample of (208) female and male supervisors was chosen intentionally in the mid and northern directorates of (Ramallah and Albeara , Nablus , Salfeat , Tulkarem , Qaqilia ,Jenin , Qabatia and Tubas) Districts.

The researcher designed a questionnaire which included (63) items which were distributed into five domains (teacher, learner , curriculum, activities and method , and the local community). These aspects included abottom line for measuring the supervisors , awareness according to Likert's rating scale.

The questionnaire was distributed to the study sample In the educational directorates mentioned above. The researcher received (162) questionnaire (78%)percent of the sample as this was due to the fact that some male and female supervisers were spending their annual vocation and others were not interested in filling in the questionnaire and consequently the data were analyzed statistically.

In order to answer the first question , the mean scores and percentages for each item and domain were calculated for the whole instrument degree. The research used the (Independent t- Test)and (ANOVA) for the independent and Scheffe – post hoc test for analyzing the study questions.

This study showed the following results:

2. The degree of the educational supervisors' awareness of the effect of globalization on the teaching – learning process was high according to the domains (teacher, learner, curriculum, activity and teaching methods). the degree of the local community was of a medium rank. The instrument degree as a whole was(71%).

3. The hierarchical order of the study domains in term of the supervisors' images and awareness was as it follows : teacher domain (74%) , learner domain (72.8%) , teaching methods (71.8%) , curriculum domain (71.6%) and the local community (62.2%).

4. There were no significant differences at (a= 0.05) in the degree of the supervisors' awareness as due to the variables of gender , experience , field of specialization, qualification , place of residence and the training which is related to globalization .

5. There were no significant differences at (a= 0.05) in the degree of the supervisors' awareness of the effect of globalization on the teaching learning process as due to the variable of using the computer , whereas the differences were significant as due to the teacher's domain in term of the frequency of using the computer , ranging in high , mid

6. In light of these results , the researcher recommended the following:

1- It is essential to qualify teachers technically in order to be able to interact with the modern technology and to make use.

2- Giving more concentration on globalization and its concepts in the curriculum in order to be taught inside classroom.

3- Involving the local community more in the teaching- leaning process through establishing scientific centers and cultural clubs so as to make students aware of globalization.

4- Further research is needed in different districts and with different samples in Palestine.

5- Conducting a study which tackles the challenges confronting the teaching- learning process in the globalization age.

Conducting a study to identify to what extent the secondary students are aware of the concepts of globalization.

Full Article

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